Nielsen survey: Tablet PCs have a great potential to replace notebook desktops

Nielsen survey shows that the use of laptops and desktops by tablet users is decreasing.

Of the tablet users surveyed, 35% said that they used desktop computers less often or they did not use desktop computers at all; 32% said they used notebooks less often. 77% of users said that they use a tablet computer to perform tasks previously performed by a laptop or desktop computer.

The main reason for tablet PCs favored is portability - 31% of users said that portability is the main reason for using tablets instead of laptops or desktops; the ease of use of the user interface or operating system and the fast on and off speeds are factors that affect tablet PCs. The second and third largest reason for pets.

In addition, the survey also found an interesting phenomenon: Tablets shared by American families do not seem to be popular. Only 43% of users indicated that they would share a tablet with their family, and half of users said they used a tablet exclusively.

Twenty-seven percent of tablet users said they use less e-readers; a quarter said they use less portable game consoles. Tablets have the least impact on Internet TV and smartphones.

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